2019-20 Denver hockey player survey, part 2

MagnessMayhem.com’s third annual Denver hockey player survey moves on to part 2 – strength, checking and toughness.

Players were polled anonymously in early December. The survey included 25 questions that covered a range of skills.

Part 1 examined skating

What changed from previous years? Satisfy your curiosity by checking out the 2018-19 survey and the 2017-18 survey.

Now on to part 2 of our exclusive Denver hockey player survey.

Question 5: Which player displays the best overall functional strength?

  • Michael Davies – 46 percent
  • Ryan Barrow, Griffin Mendel – 16 percent
  • Bobby Brink, Hank Crone, Kohen Olischefski – 7 percent

Analysis: Davies is listed at 159 pounds on the roster. He plays heavy minutes in all situations. He also gives up 30-50 pounds to many of the men he’s contending with. This is one explanation for how he not only survives, but thrives in that role. … Keep in mind Mendel is the runner-up here, and is listed at 66 pounds heavier. Think about that the next time you want to challenge him one-on-one.

Question 6: Who is the best body checker?

  • Ryan Barrow, Lane Krenzen – 31 percent
  • Griffin Mendel – 16 percent
  • Jake Durflinger, Brett Edwards, Justin Lee – 7 percent

Analysis: Barrow combines his breakaway speed with functional strength and the ability – and willingness – to hit everything that moves. The junior wing is scheduled to return from his upper body injury in early 2020, and there’s no question his presence has been missed. … As for Krenzen, the freshman clearly knows how to unleash the beast.

Question 7: Who is the toughest overall player on the team?

  • Justin Lee – 77 percent
  • Jake Durflinger, Erich Fear, Griffin Mendel – 7 percent

Analysis: Rumor has it Lee enjoys listening to country music, but obviously Tom Petty’s “I Won’t Back Down” is somewhere on his playlist, too. The freshman already has demonstrated a willingness to take on all comers. Durflinger, despite being listed at 169 pounds, is another player who practices a No Fear approach.

We also broke down the first half of DU’s current season.

Next: Who are the shooting stars?

©First Line Editorial 2019

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